Friday, May 2, 2008

12 Skills to be Successful

This comes from Trump University Wealth Building 101: Your First 90 Days on the Path to Prosperity (Trump University) I read everything and I just happen to be reading some of The Trump series at the moment. (For a smmary of the steps to financial freedom as well as a review of a few good books, visit my lens at Anyway, Mr. Trump has put together a list of 12 qualities he believes are necessary to be successful. They are:
1. Get passionate.
2. Be tenacious
3. Think Big
4. leverage Knowledge
5. Be thorough
6. Take Action
7. Take risks
8. Know your audience
9. learn to negotiate
10. Listen to your gut
11. Enjoy competition
12. Be your own best asset.

There they are. I would like to talk here about taking risks, which also applys to being tenacious, because sometimes you take risks and you lose. I took a risk last year and lost 25 thousand dollars. Now, I could have beat myself up for it, and lost my motivation, (and for awhile I did!), but I had to take a step back and ask myself if I was going to let this setback get me down or was I going to learn to think differently. As Harv. Ecker says in Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth (I highly recommend getting this audio), "rich people are bigger than their problems." I decided that I would learn from the experience, rather than beat myself up forever over it. And there was a positive side of wiping out my bank account. Without the option of money to invest, I was forced to hone my business plan for my future real estate ventures. Having no money made me more creative in how I thought about the acquisition of real estate. I now have a business plan based on seller financing and no money down techniques. (Updates on how that is working later!) Get some ideas here: Nothing Down for the 2000s: Dynamic New Wealth Strategies in Real Estate So....I am forced to be tenacious. I'm taking those lemons and making lemonade.

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