Saturday, May 3, 2008

On the Subject Of Balance in Life

Chapter 3 of Trump University Wealth Building 101: Your First 90 Days on the Path to Prosperity (Trump University) is written by Marshall Sylver. He's a hypnotist and motivational speaker. I thought I should credit him since I am about to quote his ideas here in my blog, although I have never taken a seminar from him. Anyway, he believes that there are five key personal habits all happy, healthy and wealthy people develop and master. They are:
1. Spiritual health
2. Balance
3. Priority management
4. Great Vision
5. Plan Setting

I'd like to talk about balance, because it seems like that is missing in my life, and once again, its related to my job. I spend the lion's share of my time dedicated to my job. Its not just the job, its the commute and the job "preparation" that also take up my time. Getting my lunch made, laundering and ironing my clothes, gassing up the car. The balance is just not there. At this point I have no idea how to get that balance back into my life short of quitting my job, which is not really an option right now. Or is it? One of the key ideas in Why Your Life Sucks: And What You Can Do About It is the radical idea that your life sucks because "you do things you don't want to do. So stop doing it." What a radical idea! Just quit! I suppose its an option, but not one that would benefit me financially. But then again, if I devoted all the time I devote to work to bettering myself and trying to create wealth instead of trading hours for dollars, how far might I go? Only time will tell. I would love to hear from people who just quit and gave something else a go, whether you succeeded or failed. But I guess I have not figured out yet exactly what that something else is. So in looking at the five traits Marshall Sylver lists above, I think that the one I am strongest in is having a great vision. I'm getting better at priority management, Spiritual health is improving, and anyone can get serious about plan setting. But that balance issue is sticky. I have not figured that one out yet.

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